I have been a professional celebrant since 2011 and draw on my celebrant training, learnings and lifetime skills to be the best celebrant I can be to help family and friends celebrate with remembrance. We all experience times of joy, sadness and renewal and I believe by weaving love and life through ritual and ceremony we acknowledge and celebrate life; adding richness and vibrancy to it.
Nothing can take away the pain of grief, but a genuine, well prepared funeral service
can help ease the pain as we make time to remember their life, their specialness,
their quirks and of all the ways they have been.
As this time is filled with intense emotion, it can be hard to know where to start
and this is where I can help with my experience and range of resources and ideas.
I am a good listener and welcome your ideas and the involvement of family and
friends at whatever level is right for you.
There is no right or wrong way for a funeral service,
excepting that it should be true to your loved one; just as
we are all different the celebration of our life should reflect this.
So, whether it is traditional, different or very simple in content
and held in a Chapel, garden or boatshed, I encourage and
support you to have it in a style and space which sets the perfect
tone for them.
I am also happy to meet with those who wish to discuss or pre-plan
their funeral. It is always a privilege to meet them and talk things
through as so often it gives them great comfort to have ‘it sorted’,
and it gives their family peace of mind as they know their ‘wishes’.
Every life is precious and deserving of being acknowledged and celebrated.
About Me
Janice Kingston
I feel my passion and empathy for helping people in grief creates a love of leading funerals and over these years I have had the privilege of meeting and supporting many families at one of life’s significant times through funeral and memorial services, interment of ashes and unveilings, and I have been very honoured to often be invited to conduct subsequent services for them. I am most grateful to know that I made a difference;